Using Games & Play as a tool to produce healthier, happier people of character... who are contributing members of society. 

To help instill core values such as kindness, respect, integrity & responsibility; thus promoting healthy lifestyles & furthering a life skills...through play!

*We train: Staff, Students, Youth Directors, Teachers, Parks & Recreation Leaders*

* anyone involved in youth/adult programming *

*This is part theory/lecture (power point) and hands on program*

*Typical seminar ranges 1-3 hours*

This is a part Lecture and Hands on Session - and has been presented as a KEYNOTE presentation

Feel free to browse a powerpoint presentation (below)

Please  contact us to get information regarding our Education and Training programs. We go everywhere! 

CECR Revised 100315 Reader.pdf CECR Revised 100315 Reader.pdf
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Type : pdf